After Three Months by Michelle Kai Summary: This is a sequel to my story, Three Months. Thanks to all who've read it and gave me such encouraging feedback. This story to dedicated to you guys! Classification: DSR, MSR (well, at least one will have to be Unresolved, right?) Rating: PG Spoilers: Deadalive, Three Words, Alone, small one for Emily, Without Timeline: No matter how much slack I cut 1013, I still can't figure out a timeline that would make Scully less than 10 months pregnant when Mulder returned. So I'm going with my own. It's March, Mulder's back, and Scully's 7 1/2 months pregnant. Distribution: sure, anywhere, please just let me know so I can visit! Feedback: Author's notes: (at the end) ***************************************** Doggett isn't blind, though after that scene he walked in on, he wished that he was. Her head on his chest, his arm limply around her, his adoring gaze never leaving her. That's why Mulder didn't see him when he walked in. Might be for the best - what would Mulder make of the expression on Doggett's face? Against the best profiler in the history of the FBI - Doggett didn't want to take his chances. Whose idea of a joke is this anyway? 'Cause that's what his life has become - a joke. A farce of the man who was Sergeant Doggett, Detective Doggett, even the Special Agent Doggett who was destined for the director's chair, some say; esteemed and respected colleague in all cases. And the one person who's made his banishment to the basement office bearable, lately even enjoyable, his partner - Did she ever really consider him her partner? Well, the point is moot, she certainly doesn't need him now. Doggett once thought that he would be happy if he ever found Mulder. He'd be happy, not because it was an accomplished mission, and it would probably get him out of the joke division of the Bureau. No, he'd be happy, because he knows that it will make her happy. Can it just be three days ago that Dana had let him kiss her? That they were finally getting somewhere? And now - If I only truly cared for her happiness, then this should be enough, Doggett admonished himself. But it wasn't. ******************************************************** The look on John's face tugged at Scully's heart. She almost wanted to say something, anything. A word of thanks, perhaps. But her place was here, beside Mulder, wasn't it? This is what she's hoped for, prayed for and... and stopped imagining after she buried him. Had left behind, that day John and her walked away from the cemetery. She hasn't forgotten Mulder. No, she carries him around with her everywhere, in her heart and her belly. But she had moved on with her life, as she knows that he'd want her to, had he... had he actually died. He couldn't imagine how these months have been for her. Loosing him, finding him dead, and getting him back, all the while carrying his child and defending his lifework. And through this whole uphill battle, amidst the confusion and heartache, another man has made her smile. Another man had remember her birthday from her files after working with her for just months. He had taken her out for dinner and had filled life with hope again. He had shared his past with her and together they had cried for their lost children and lovers, and had found courage to go on. But all of a sudden Mulder was returned to her, and she feels that now she'll loose John. Mulder is all she'd ever wanted. Isn't he? ********************************************************* Doggett's Residence "Agent Dog-" So it's back 'Agent'now, "John." Scully finished awkwardly. "Dana." "Can I come in?" "What can I do for you?" Doggett said, not stepping aside to let her in. He stared at the ground, refusing to meet her eyes. Please just leave me alone, he silently pleaded. Go back to Mulder. Isn't he leaving the hospital today? Can't you see that I'm trying to stand my ground here least I fall apart, seeing you and wanting the future that can't never be now? Doggett shut his eyes to try to ease the burning sensation, trying to drown out his thoughts that all seem to be running together. "John," Scully whispered, placing a gentle hand on his arm. Come on, pull yourself together John, Doggett thought. With forced enthusiasm, Doggett looked up and said, "Hey, isn't Mulder going home today? That's great, ya know? I mean, I personally hate the hospital myself, so I'm sure he'd be glad to go home to his own bed - " "I do care about you." Scully's quiet voice pulled him back to reality and the matter at hand. "I know," Doggett sighed. But it doesn't matter now, he silently added. "Don't stay away. The X-files needs you... I ...." Doggett shook his head slightly. "No you don't, Dana. He is back, don't keep him waiting." Taking a deep breath, Doggett worked the last trace of a tremor out of his voice. "I'm just a good shot who did his job, watched your back." Loved you since I held you in my arms on the hospital floor. "I'm sorry." "Don't be. Goodbye, Dana." Before any more words can leave her lips, Doggett has closed his door softly. She told herself not to cry as she walked back to the cab waiting to take her to the hospital. The tears didn't listen. ********************************************************* Mulder isn't blind, he just has trouble differentiating some colours. Well, even if he can't see them, he's read enough to know that the colour of love is red. Like Scully's hair. And the colour of jealousy - green. Like the alien blood, or his healing scars. At first, he couldn't figure out why everyone is tiptoeing around him. Sure, his wounds look pretty bad, and he's been taken and returned. But still, what did they expected from Spooky? Only when Scully explained to him that he was presumed dead, dead and buried, did the gravity of the situation, and the miracle of his present condition hit him. He's tried to make light of the whole thing, but one look at Scully's full belly, and he couldn't believe how close he came to ditching her, forever, with their child. It IS his child, isn't it? He can count - 6 months gone, almost 8 months pregnant - yup, it's his. Wow, who'd have thought that the Mulder gene can take on apparent infertility and win. But some thing is off. There is only so much he can chalk up to people's awkwardness of being around a resurrected man. He's never been pleasant company for much of the Bureau to start with, so it isn't like he was expecting a welcome back party. For the longest time he couldn't figure it out. Then he heard the name Doggett. And it all fell into place. Or so he thought. You see, Doggett has his desk. Or rather, he has Scully's area, and Scully has his desk. The point is, Doggett is in HIS office, working on HIS X-files. And himself? Well, he is in an Advisory Capacity on Violent Crimes. Mulder doesn't really blame them for having to create a position for him. Where are you suppose to put a dead man in the FBI framework? So Mulder is jealous of Doggett's position. That explains some of it. And then he saw Scully's alarm whenever Doggett is in danger. And then he saw the way Doggett looks at her when he doesn't think Mulder is looking. He remembered looking out his apartment window seeing if she's arrived, and seeing Doggett hand her the disc, saying "Fight the Future" when it's so clear that his eyes speak another three words. Finally he can't deny it when he found his Apollos 11 Medallion on the grass. His medallion that he gave her. That she has given him. Mulder will stay until he is sure that Scully's baby is born safely. And then he knows what he has to do. Cliche? Yeah. You really can't go home again. ******************************************************** author's note: better or worse than the first? Let me know please! I like my MSR on screen, and my DRS online! =) Is there a name of those who wants da 'Ship and da 'Dip? 'Greedy' - I guess ;-)