TITLE: Analysing the Opposition AUTHOR: Agent X EMAIL ADDRESS: aussie_xphile25@yahoo.com.au DISTRIBUTION: anywhere, just let me know CLASSIFICATION: V, A KEYWORDS: MulderPOV, impliedMSR, impliedDSF, post-ep SPOILER WARNING: Empedocles and minor season 8 before that RATING: PG SUMMARY: Mulder realises Doggett isn't all that bad after all DISCLAIMER: The wonderful characters in this story are the property of the genius Chris Carter, 1013 and Fox FEEDBACK: Good feedback always welcome, as is constructive criticism. Don't send a flame if you don't like receiving junk mail. DEDICATION: As always, this story is dedicated to the wonderful Robert Patrick, who has inspired me to write this by bringing the character of John Doggett to life! And also to the SHODDS - the most wonderful group of people I've never met! ;-) AUTHOR'S NOTES: For me, when Mulder was informed by Reyes or the kidnapping and death of Doggett's son, it marked a turning point, if you like, in the relationship between the two men. After that point there seems to be a mutual understanding or respect between the two, and even a small amount of trust... this fic is my opinion of what Mulder would have been thinking after Empedocles * No beta reader used. Please excuse the typos * * I realised something tonight. We're not all that dissimilar, John Doggett and I. Certainly you wouldn't know it to look at us or hear us speak. His features are as sharp as mine are soft. His voice is somewhere in between New York and Georgia, with other places thrown in for the fun of it. My voice, on the other hand, never changes, and could put a grizzly to sleep, or so I'm told. Our beliefs are somewhat different too. More different than sunflower seeds and doughnuts, to be exact. He goes by the book... I try to forget the book exists. He believes, as he once told Scully, that the only way to get things done is good cop work. In my experience, the only way to solve *anything* in our line of work is to make a leap, and a big one at that. His time on the X-Files is as short as mine is long, although it is evident Kersh plans to make his stay in the basement office a long one. It seems a common occurrence for those high up in the chain of command to put would-be threats down here in the basement. For Kersh, I'm a threat to his sanity, and Doggett is a threat to his job. There are two things Doggett and I have in common though, that make us more alike than any of the above set us apart. Loss. The loss of a child, a family member, a friend... That kind of pain is something you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. He and I both know what it is like. I, with the loss of Samantha when we were both still kids, then the loss of both my father *and* mother to Spender, Krycek and other similar foul beings. And Doggett lost his son. Kidnapped and murdered at the age of only eight. He found his son's body, for God's sake. I can only imagine what such a gruesome and personal discovery would have done to him. It's taken him over four years to really bury his son, and the guilt of what else he could have done to save him. And now to have all that pain brought to the surface again... Was Agent Reyes wrong in bringing to whole case forward again? No, not with the possibility of finding the person responsible so close. At least, although it wouldn't change the past, it might bring some sort of closure to the case. I know the feeling all too well. The number of times I thought I was close to finding Samantha alive... the number of times I *did* find her, only to learn it was an alien clone. Even Scully didn't know what I went through during those times. Which brings me to the other thing we have in common. Scully. My dear Scully whom I'd move heaven and earth for if it came to that. And through my absence in the last few months, I know John Doggett would have done the same. Countless times, so I've been told, he has gone *way* past the call of duty to protect her, to save her, to watch her back. And he'll continue to do it, whether he's her partner or not. I know I will too. I know Scully originally thought his only goal in finding me was to advance his own career. And maybe it was, back then, but not anymore. He stayed in a dead-end job to find a man he didn't know. All so he could make Scully happy. I should have seen him for who he was before now. I should have known that he wasn't a mole, a traitor, a liar. But after my experiences, who could blame me for being suspicious? 'Trust no one'... wise words from a dying man, and if I didn't live by those words, I doubt I'd still be around. I guess I didn't trust him because I saw him as a threat. A threat to me, a threat to the X-Files, and most of all, a threat to my relationship with Scully. But he isn't a threat to any of those. After this last case, I see that there is more to John Doggett than first meets the eye. He is a good man; a credit to both the FBI and, dare I say it, the X-Files. Even if his refusal to believe is as stubborn as my refusal *not* to believe, when it comes to cases, he'll do whatever it takes to find the truth. It's been a long time since anyone has been on the X-Files besides Scully and myself. It's going to take some getting used to... but I'm willingly to give it a go and I'm sure he is too. We may not like each other, but we have an understanding, if you like; a mutual respect for one another. Scully trusts him, so maybe one day I will too. ~ the end ~ Author's Notes: Okay, it's 1:57am and I *had* to finish this before I went to sleep. I think I rambled on a little but I like to get on my soapbox now and again... just ask the SHODDS ;-)