Title: Once And Again Author: agent myers Rating: PG-13 Keywords: DRR, Reyes POV Summary: "Do you believe in past lives, Agent Doggett?" Spoilers: Season 8 Disclaimer: They're not mine. Duh. Feedback: I live for it. Archive: Gossamer, XFMU, yes. All others please ask, I'm sure I'll say yes! Author's Notes: The idea for this story sorta came from a story called "The Stairs Where I kissed you". So the idea is completely unoriginal, but the story is. I just wanted everyone to know...why? I don't know...I guess I just like to give credit where credit is due. I just wrote this "for the hell of it"...as always, hope it doesn't suck! Recommended Listening: "Black and White" by Sarah McLachlan, "Nothing Without Love" by Jewel, "Absence of Fear" by Jewel *** Once And Again by agent myers *** I stared at the Styrofoam coffee cup in my hands as though it was a relic from another world. Seconds before, when Agent Doggett handed me the cup, my morning coffee as he knew I liked it, our hands touched slightly. I was forced into a powerful vision. I nearly dropped the hot, steaming liquid all over me. I looked up at my partner, who had returned to his seat, and quickly became absorbed in his report. I continued to stare at him until he looked up at me. "What? Something wrong with the coffee?" He asked me. "You didn't feel that?" He looked alarmed. "Feel what?" I couldn't describe it. "That...that déjà vu thing." His brow furrowed and he put down his report. "Just now?" I nodded. "When you handed me the cup...and touched my hand." I said, and finally put the cup down on the desk, among my many piles and stacks of papers and files. He suddenly looked a little alarmed. "I didn't feel *anything*. Are you okay, Agent Reyes?" I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment. I rubbed the bridge of my nose. "I'm fine...forget it." John watched me for a moment. She shrugged and returned to his work, as I returned to mine. But my mind was far from my work...it was on the powerful vision I'd just experienced. I saw it, very clearly. My partner, John Doggett, but NOT my partner. He was my lover, and it was a different time, a different place. We weren't partners or FBI agents, we were simple people. I saw a modest home, a farm possibly. But I saw John and I as clear as day, tangled in bedclothes, lying as though we were making love. Our glistening bodies couldn't have been any closer together...yes, we must have been in bed together. I closed my eyes, trying to remember more of the vision. I remembered a smell. Sweat. I looked up at my partner, sitting quietly at his desk, oblivious to what I was experiencing. I suddenly wished I could share it with him. To me, it was proof. We had been lovers in a past life. *** I watched John store away files in the filing cabinet. It was nearly six o'clock, and he was getting ready to leave. I cocked my head to the side, watching him, unable to shake the memory of his skin against mine. The vision had surprised me and disturbed me a little at first, but now I was intrigued. I hadn't gotten much work done today. John noticed I was staring at him. "What?" He asked me. He was standing behind his desk, an open file in his hand. He had shed his jacket hours ago and rolled up his sleeves. The office was a little warm today. I blinked, and shook my head. "Nothing." He raised an eyebrow at me. "It's just..." I hesitated. I pursed my lips, unable to spit it out. "It's what, Agent Reyes? You've been acting really strange today...are you going to tell me what's going on with you?" "I better not." I said. My partner looked thoroughly puzzled. He closed the file and laid it down on the desk. My heart rate quickened as he walked over to my desk. He sat on the edge of it. "What is it?" He asked. Added to his puzzlement, seemed to be concern. I looked up at him. "It's that vision I had this morning. It's bugging me." "You had a vision? You said it was déjà vu." "Yeah...well, I was reluctant to...share with you...since you were...since you were part of the vision." He crossed his arms and his brow furrowed in concentration. "You had a vision, and I was in it." I nodded. "Do you believe in past lives, Agent Doggett?" He didn't answer quickly. "I don't have any proof either way, Agent Reyes, but I don't readily believe in that stuff. But I think you know that." He said, his lips turning up in a slight smile. "Well, I think I have proof. It's proof to me, anyway." "Are you going to tell me, or should I guess?" "Okay." I said, holding my hands up. "I'll tell you, but you have to keep an open mind." Doggett shrugged. I folded my hands together. "I saw you and I. Very distinctly. It was...a long time ago, I think. A house build of...sod, or something. Maybe not. A farmhouse...wood floors, I remember wood floors. We were...we were together." "Together?" Doggett repeated. "In bed together." Doggett's mouth snapped shut. I looked away from him. "It was very clear. We were very happy together, very close. Very much in love." Doggett remained silent. His eyebrows steadily rose as I came forth with more and more detail. "I was your wife." Doggett nodded mockingly. "You think this is pretty funny, don't you?" I asked with a hint of attitude. He grinned and put his hands up. "I...I just...don't really believe in all that." I sighed. I expected my partner to return to his work, but he stayed perched on my desk. I looked back up at him. Then an idea caught me. "Give me your hands." He didn't uncross his arms. "For what?" "I want to see if it will work a second time." Again, Doggett shrugged. He held his hands out for me. I stood up, took a deep breath, and grasped his hands. The last thing I remember was the skeptical smirk on my partner's face. The world when dark for a moment, and I felt as though I was falling. Falling through a wormhole of sorts. And then a flash of light overwhelmed me, and I shut my eyes. When I opened them, I was there. The room was lit with a soft glow from an open fireplace. I walked toward the bed. The two figures were intertwined, and unmistakable. It was John and I. He was on top of me, we were making love. I felt like an intruder, but I couldn't' take my eyes away from the sight. I caught my breath. Suddenly things went black. The blinding light assaulted my eyes. And suddenly I was staring at John Doggett. He had ripped his hands away from me, and broken the link. His expression had changed. His mouth was open, and his breath was short. He looked like he'd seen a ghost. He stared at me with wide eyes. I stared back at him. "What the hell just happened..." He said, catching his breath. "You saw it, too?" He nodded. "I didn't just see it, I..." "...you felt it." He nodded, his wide eyes searching me for some kind of explanation. We stared at each other for a long moment, pondering the mystery of the vision. "What do you think it means?" He asked me. I shrugged. "Could mean nothing. Could mean everything." His eyes narrowed. "What do you mean by that?" I waved him off. "It just means I don't know." We both sighed. Doggett carefully reached out and touched my arm. Nothing. He looked at me, then back down. His hand slid across my skin. My palm opened to him. His large hand slid inside mine, and he grasped it firmly. Nothing happened. "It's gone." I nodded. "I want to know more." I looked into his eyes. There was so much confusion. I moved forward, slowly, and kissed him on his lips. He didn't pull away. Almost tangible electricity ran through us...it was an incredible feeling. A sense of knowing, and the best part was, John felt it too. And at once I understood. This was bigger than anything either of us had ever experienced. It was a timeless spark, something that I could only describe, at the moment, as fate. I pulled back to look at John. The look on his face was strangely peaceful, and not at all surprised or angry. And then, he actually smiled. I smiled back. "Let's get out of here." He said. "I think we should talk." I nodded. "Okay." I said, locking eyes with him. I switched off my computer, grabbed my coat. He looked slightly nervous and a little preoccupied as he gathered his jacket. He opened the door for me. And we left together. ~F~ Comment appreciated, flames will be sent back with an inbox full of junk mail.