TITLE: The Road Not Taken AUTHOR: Agent X EMAIL ADDRESS: aussie_xphile25@yahoo.com.au DISTRIBUTION: anywhere, just let me know CLASSIFICATION: V, A, post-ep, DoggettPOV SPOILER WARNING: Within, Without RATING: G SUMMARY: Doggett reflects on the path he has chosen DISCLAIMER: The wonderful characters in this story are the property of the genius Chris Carter, 1013 and Fox FEEDBACK: Yes please, good or bad, to the above address DEDICATION: As always, this story is entirely dedicated to the wonderful Robert Patrick, who has inspired me to write this by bringing the character of John Doggett to life! AUTHOR'S NOTES: I've never written one of these abstract vignettes, so it might take a few of them before I get it rightÉ :-) * No beta reader used. Please excuse the typos * ********** "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference." -- Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken ********** Two roads I was faced with today. A decision to make, a direction to turn. One was a broad, bright road, heading upward, into light, into life. The other, a dark, twisted road that would ultimately lead to the depths of hell. I chose the latter. Am I a fool for doing so, for thinking that this was the right path for me? Maybe. I don't know where I'm going, and there is darkness all around, yet it is in that darkness, I may find that for which I search. The truth. And if I don't find it, then what? Honestly, I don't know. I'm not used to failing, much less being set up to do so. Things exist on this dark path that I never dreamed ofÉ that I was never *capable* of dreaming ofÉ that I never thought existed in the darkest corners of humanity. Strange things exist, things I can't explainÉ yet somehow they will come to make senseÉ or so I'm told. And despite these strange and unexplainable things, my journey down this path has taught me something I should have known all along. Man is the greatest evil of all. Oh, yes, there are those that seek to help others, to find what has been lost, to mend what has been brokenÉ but those are few and far between. The men I've come to know do little for others and much for themselves. They serve willingly, but only when they receive much in return. They are without conscience, preying on the weak-minded and eliminating the strong. They will not get rid of meÉ Some men have walked the path before me, never to return. To be consumed by that which they seekÉ That will not happen to me. I walk down this path with my eyes closed, willingly ignorant of things I can't explain. Not because I'm na•ve or unaware, simply because I don't *want* to see these things, I don't want to believe them. So maybe, I think, as I blunder blindly down this path, that it *is* the wrong path for meÉ Two roads diverged where I stood today, and I took the one less travelled. And while I don't regret my choice, through all its twists and turns, I wonder if it ever ends? ~ the end ~